April 13, 2018 By

The University of Mississippi Slavery Research Group, in conjunction with Joseph McGill of The Slave Dwelling Project and Preserve Marshall County & Holly Springs’s “Behind the Big House” Program, have some wonderful events on deck for Wednesday, April 18th.
At 12 PM in the Tupelo Room in Barnard Observatory, join Jobie Hill, historic preservationist and architect, for a talk on “Saving Slave Houses.”
At 2 PM starting in Archives and Special Collections inside the J.D. Williams Library, catch a “Slavery on Campus History Tour” led by UMSRG graduate research assistant Chet Bush.
At 4 PM in the Tupelo Room in Barnard Observatory, hear Joseph McGill, historic preservationist, discuss “The Slave Dwelling Project.”
All of these events are free and open to the public, so please join us!