Research Centers
The Department houses two research Centers directed by faculty members: the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) and the Center for Population Studies (CPS). These are described below. In addition to their individual contributions to the Department, they provide a foundational research support infrastructure with capacity to pursue and manage external grants and contracts, student researchers, and affiliated faculty. Furthermore, they work closely with the graduate programs in the Department to enrich student opportunities and to provide resources that would otherwise not be available.
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is also closely affiliated with the McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement. Originating from the Department under the leadership of a previous faculty member, the McLean Institute now serves the University as a whole under the leadership of a professor in the Department. With the mission to advance transformative service throughout the University and fight poverty through education in Mississippi, its faculty, staff, and students partner with community and statewide organizations to conduct research and take action.
Center for Population Studies
Director: John J. Green, Professor of Sociology
Lamar Hall 533 | 662-915-7288
Center for Archaeological Research
Director: Tony Boudreaux, Associate Professor of Anthropology
Lamar Hall 565 | 662-915-7339

McLean Institute for Public Service & Community Engagement
Director: Albert Nylander, Professor of Sociology
Howry Hall 307 | 662-915-2052