MA Anthropology research

Peter Mudzingwa is a second-year graduate students in the anthropology Master’s program.
“I am interested in protection and conservation of cultural and natural heritage for sustainable development in southern Africa, especially how heritage sites symbolize the politics and culture of societies.”
Peter Mudzingwa in the Namib Desert of coastal Namibia in May 2023 (image on left).
“The Namib Desert (in Namibia) is a coastal desert in southern Africa that stretches for more than 1,200 miles along the Atlantic coasts of Angola, Namibia, and South Africa.”
First-year student Wes Newton is studying historic moonshine stills in Alabama and the potential relationships between the distillers and land use, as well as the nature of the distillers themselves.

Kasey Corey is in her second year of graduate studies in anthropology and is also a Fellow with the University of Mississippi Writing Center.
“I study patterns of human migration 1,300 years ago at a Maya archaeological site in Belize called Lower Dover. Sampling tooth enamel from people who lived in this city can tell us who moved in the past and where they came from.”
Corey excavating with the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project at Lower Dover, Belize in 2023 (image on left).
Anna Babberl is a first-year grad student in anthropology and also is associated with the University of Mississippi Writing Center.
“I plan to investigate crop intensification and hunting in the Mississippi River Valley during the Woodland period (1000 B.C.E.-1000 C.E.).”
Babberl at Hillside Courts, an archaeological project on the University of Northern Iowa campus, in 2022. Hillside Courts was a student housing complex built in the 1970s which was demolished in the early 2000s (image at left).

Tuck (Leigh) Rodi is in his 1st year of the anthropology MA program after earning his BA at the University of California Santa Cruz.
“I study the relations between the logistics of data accumulation, logics of environmental care, and artisanal economies in Peru. I am particularly interested in how these relations produce representations of, and affect change in, maritime and littoral spaces.”
Tuck in northern Peru, 2022. Photo Credits: Nico Fischer