Albert Nylander
Biography | Research | Publications | CV

Office Hours
By appointment
Soc 315 Leisure & Popular Culture
Soc 361 Sociology of Education
Soc 451 Topics in Sociology
Selected Publications
The following is a list of selected publications. A full list of publications is listed on my cv.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
2008. John Green, Kathleen Kerstetter, and Albert Nylander. “Socioeconomic Resources and Self-Rated Health: A Study in the Mississippi Delta.” Sociological Spectrum 28(2): 194-212.
2004. Albert B. Nylander & Ralph Brown. “Familial Networks and Regional Entrepreneurs in Northeast Mississippi’s Upholstered Furniture Industry.” The Journal of the Community Development Society 35 (1): 135-148.
2000. Ralph B. Brown, Albert B. Nylander, III, Brayden G. King, and Benjamin J. Lough. “Growth Machines and Community Development in Two Racially Diverse Rural Mississippi Delta Communities: A Monolithic Approach in a Complex Region.” The Journal of the Community Development Society 31 (2): 173-195.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
2010. Josh Stovall, Albert Nylander, Ralph Brown, and Jerry Robinson. “The Role of Local Organizations and Leaders in Community Development.” In Jerry W. Robinson & Gary Paul Green (eds.), The Theory and Practice of Community Development. Sage.
2007. Anna Kleiner, John Green, and Albert Nylander. “A Community Study of Disaster Impacts and Redevelopment Issues Facing East Biloxi, Mississippi.” In David Brunsma, David Overfelt, and Steven Picou (eds.), The Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on a Modern Catastrophe. Rowman & Littlefield.